Apparently confirmed: Apple is working on its own AI servers with M2 Ultra

In view of the need to catch up with generative AI, Apple is planning to equip data centres with its own servers. The rumours now seem to be confirmed.

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Rechenzentrum mit M2-Ultra-Logo

Data center with M2 Ultra logo.

(Bild: IM Imagery/ / Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Following analyst reports that Apple plans to use its own Apple Silicon SoCs for AI servers, sources from the usually well-informed Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman have now confirmed this. Apple will deliver "parts of its upcoming AI capabilities" to data centers this year using its own in-house processors, according to a report on Thursday. This is said to be the M2 Ultra, which is found in the Mac Studio and the Mac Pro with Apple Silicon.

According to the report, Apple wants to put the high-end SoCs into cloud computing servers that are specially prepared to process "the most advanced AI tasks" for Apple devices. This is reportedly according to informed sources. Simpler AI functions, on the other hand, are to be processed locally, i.e. directly on iPhones, iPads and Macs.

Apple's plan to use its own chips and process AI tasks in the cloud is older, according to the report. Allegedly, this was already planned around three years ago, even before the boom in generative AI through chatbots such as ChatGPT or Google's Gemini system. Apple has therefore accelerated its actions. After the M2 Ultra, the new M4, which is currently only found in the iPad Pro, is also to be used. According to analysts, however, this is likely to take until 2025.

For Apple, the increasing use of AI servers in the cloud represents a change in strategy. For years, the company had relied on local AI, primarily for data protection reasons. Now this should also be possible in the cloud: The Apple servers, codenamed ACDC ("Apple Chips in Data Centers"), are to be equipped with strong encryption thanks to components such as the Secure Enclave to prevent AI information from escaping.

Initially, Apple is apparently planning to use its M2 Ultra servers only in its own data centers. Later on, the hardware could also end up with partners such as Google or Amazon, who provide large parts of Apple's cloud infrastructure. Apple CEO Tim Cook emphasizes that the company believes in the "transformative power of AI". Apple has advantages here thanks to its seamless integration of hardware, software and services.

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